Recovery work

The group operates picking up the autochthonous testimony, alive or historic, and diffuses it in "the plaza" (street, square) or in the theater in its authentic form or, in its case, by means of the forced adaptations to the requirements of the artistic exhibition.

The recuperation labour has given its fruits. The group BETI JAI ALAI is particularly satisfied to have recovered  the Ezpata-dantza of BEGOÑA (Sword dance of Begoña), with choreography and music achieves based in the hymn to the "Andra Mari" (the Virgin of Begoña). That Sword dance has been dancing inside the basilic the day of the Virgin festivity  since 1995.

begoñaAnother important resul of this recovery work is the "Aurresku of Begoña". In based on the etching called “Un aurresku en Begoña”,  made by Genaro Pérez de Villa-Amil in1842. This dance is also danced the day of the Virgin's festivity since 1995, recreating the festivity atmosphere shown on the etching and wearing clothes of that time. The group can't forget the help and advices gotten form different friens and coworkers:  Iñaki Irigoien (folklore matters), Mikel Lizarza (clothing matters), Jose Luis Egiluze (music matters), Karmele Goñi, and some institutions.

butroiAnother succesful work has been eht recovery of the Lekeitioko prozesioko ezpata-dantza ("Procession of the Sword dance from Lekeitio" ). On 2010the group BETI JAI ALAI  recreated that proecession in Lekeitio town and filmed it in order to prouce a DVD. In that case, women's dresses and hair-dresses were based on the painting made by C.Weiditz on 1529 and on two other painting made by Francisco V. de Mendieta  (“Boda de Hidalgos” y “Jura de los Fueros de Bizkaia”). For the music two melodies were used Musikari dagokionez, both from a singing book of Azkue. According to Iñaki Irigoienen those two melodies could be two parts left from the old Swor-dance from Lekeitio. Together with the Sword-dance, the group recovered the  Lekeitioko axeri-dantza edo “bizarra erretia” (Fox-dance from Lekeitio).

Finally, the Bilboko aratusteetako zaragi-dantza (Wineskin dance from Bilbao's Carnival) was recovered.